Gender: |
Birthdate: |
July 27, 1987 (37 years old) |
Lives in: |
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Relocate?: |
Yes |
Height: |
5 ft 6 in / 167-170 cm |
Body Type: |
Average |
Smoking: |
I'm a non-smoker |
Drinking: |
I don't drink at all |
Race: |
Other |
Speaks: |
English |
Education: |
Some college |
Marital Status: |
Single |
Occupation: |
Floral Arrangements |
Interests: |
Cooking/Baking |
Religion: |
Catholic |
Hair Color: |
Black |
Hair Length : |
Long |
Eye Color : |
Black |
Glasses or Contacts : |
None |
Grandchildren: |
No |
Active: |
Prefer not to say |
Living situation: |
I have a roommate(s) |
Working status: |
I am working part time |