Gender: |
Birthdate: |
August 4, 1951 (73 years old) |
Lives in: |
Sandy, Utah, United States
Relocate?: |
Maybe/Yes |
Height: |
5 ft 9 in / 175-177 cm |
Body Type: |
Average |
Smoking: |
I'm a non-smoker |
Drinking: |
I'm a light/social drinker |
Race: |
Caucasian |
Speaks: |
English, Spanish |
Education: |
Some college |
Marital Status: |
Divorced |
Occupation: |
Own Business |
Interests: |
Crafts, Culture, Dancing, Entertainment, Exercise and Fitness, Fine Dining, Music, Reading, Scrapbooking, Travel |
Have Children: |
Yes. We do not live together. |
Hair Color: |
Blonde |
Hair Length : |
Medium |
Eye Color : |
Blue |
Glasses or Contacts : |
Either |
Children visit: |
Visit Often |
Grandchildren: |
Yes |
Active: |
Always on the go |
Living situation: |
I live alone |
Working status: |
I am working part time |