The Birth Chart of Nostradamus 10 views
The Birth Chart of Nostradamus
The way one projects the self out into the public arena.
If you seem pushy to some, then you don’t mean to be rude. It’s just that there are times when you act like an excitable in a toy-shop. Everything, in your eyes, is new and exciting and you don’t want to queue get what you want. You are impatient try and test out what is new the market and so, in your rush be first in line, there are bound be accidents, some bumps and bruises others, even you will have some effect your impatience, a bump the head now and again.
It’s true, you are quick anger. You can be aggressive and abrasive if another upsets you. But your fiery temper does not last for long. It goes as quick as it comes, fizzles out and you cannot understand why some people continue hold a grudge. What is the matter with those people? Can’t we be friends now the row is over. That’s a problem with you, you have no time stand still and see what makes another person ‘Tick’. You know how you are, how you behave, so why can’t others be just like you and move on?
You never mind if others want follow in your footsteps or go through the holes where your charge has breached the walls Your nature is be fiery, positive and direct. You like deal with things immediately, deal with them and move in life because there’s so much see. You don’t have time wait for those who dawdle through life, they are ‘Time-Wasters’ and you are one who likes push . In a way, your aggression gets you where you want go, from A B in a direct line.
Staying around too long gives an irritating sense of boredom and you are liable to run away from the source of boredom. You are the crusader, in the lead and leading the charge. You do not look round to see who gets left behind, that’s their fault if they get lost. In this way, you leave a fiery trail, the ‘Trail-Blazer’ and what hole you jump into can be hotter than hell. But even when you quickly jump out, it’s out of the frying pan it’s into the fire! But then, you don’t even wait to question your courage! |