| meet ing people
| party rats
| 0
| 2/24/2011
| I am perplexed.
| 21st Century
| 3
| 5/12/2010
| Patience is Part of Being Loved
| older women for younger men
| 0
| 9/10/2008
| A lady in the living room and in the bedroom?
| Advice Line
| 18
| 9/5/2008
| sexual Etiquette for MEN.
| General Advice
| 1
| 7/18/2008
| Older is Better
| 50 or over
| 3
| 7/5/2008
| p[arty/bash
| party rats
| 7
| 2/12/2008
| Any Southern Cal Young Men: Orange County, Beach Areas
| Younger men, older women
| 0
| 12/31/2007
| Advice Line
| 5
| 7/28/2007
| well, post something
| Singles' Support Group.
| 1
| 6/26/2007
| come run with me
| Cycling, running, working out
| 1
| 5/30/2007
| Ventura County
| Great People From Ventura Co.
| 1
| 3/15/2007
| Seeking "friends" or "lovers"??
| General
| 4
| 3/3/2007
| Why is the kiss so important?
| Building a Relationship
| 6
| 12/13/2006
| Asking questons before getting involved
| Advice Line
| 5
| 10/13/2006
| Who is a real woman?
| Advice Line
| 8
| 8/14/2006
| Married Guys Scram Off The Site? Answer
| General
| 0
| 8/3/2006
| Younger men, older women
| Younger men, older women
| 7
| 7/13/2006
| First Impressions...
| First Dates
| 1
| 6/19/2006
| Don't 'Accept; Expect'
| First Dates
| 10
| 6/19/2006
| Black Belt Approved, STOP , LEARN IN 5 MINUTE KUNG FU-
| Dating Safety
| 0
| 6/19/2006
| Dating Safety
| 0
| 6/19/2006
| You think you connect...then what...is he/she real?
| Dating Safety
| 1
| 6/19/2006
| STALKERS, The complete article?
| Dating Safety
| 0
| 6/19/2006
| Don't Ask Your Friends! Do What's Right!
| Dating Quiz
| 0
| 6/19/2006
| How Does A Woman Want to be Loved?
| Dating Quiz
| 0
| 6/19/2006
| What a Man's Thinking! Silence can be golden.
| Dating Quiz
| 1
| 6/19/2006
| Response to who is this Perceptor?
| General
| 0
| 6/17/2006
| Manipulating Points?
| Advice Line
| 13
| 3/13/2006
| You're as young as you feel!
| age differences
| 1
| 3/2/2006
| Her nice stepper apology once again?
| Advice Line
| 5
| 1/30/2006
| Good Ideas
| Advice Line
| 13
| 1/1/2006
| Am I a 'ClingOn' ?
| Advice Line
| 10
| 12/31/2005
| Only the Lonely
| Advice Line
| 10
| 12/31/2005
| Trading Photos
| Advice Line
| 8
| 12/31/2005
| Room mates
| Advice Line
| 5
| 12/31/2005
| The Bus Ride !!
| Advice Line
| 19
| 12/31/2005
| For or Against? Death Penalty
| Advice Line
| 9
| 12/18/2005
| Are we allowed to ask questions about SFF here?
| Advice Line
| 8
| 12/14/2005
| Been burned far too much?
| Advice Line
| 17
| 12/14/2005
| Who makes you a real man?
| Advice Line
| 8
| 8/1/2005
| General Advice
| 4
| 6/24/2005
| General Advice
| 0
| 4/17/2005
| Want to Jump Out of Bed Everyday?
| General Advice
| 1
| 3/21/2005
| General Advice
| 1
| 3/7/2005
| Advice. Friends Have Great Lives? Who guided them?
| General Advice
| 1
| 2/10/2005
| Know what your head feels like? Excitement!
| General
| 0
| 2/6/2005
| The Best Acupuncture Roseville, CA!
| General
| 1
| 2/2/2005
| Players...
| Advice Line
| 2
| 10/29/2004
| Reply re deadbeats...
| Building a Relationship
| 2
| 10/21/2004
| I am Confused
| Advice Line
| 14
| 9/26/2004
| What is the most memorable place you have been and what made it so.
| Advice Line
| 4
| 8/21/2004