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Welcome!San Jose/Silicon Valley26 23 
Travel or Cruise 4 USouth Bay/Long Beach Cities16 10 
Over 50 FunNorth Bay15 
Singles' Support Group.San Gabriel Valley/ Pasadena
Once a month barbequeKern County / Bakersfield17 
Once a month BBQNorthern Coast
sexAntelope Valley
Art and craft loversSan Francisco
writting prosEast Bay
just walk&Talk/LB, Naples CASoutheastern California
together to share interestsSoutheastern California
Former New Yorkers/East CoastGreater Los Angeles
Budding comediansOrange County
Bike Ride To The BeachOrange County
even more funSan Francisco & Bay Area
weird stuffEast Bay
Senior Social ClubNorth Bay
Gay BaySan Mateo County
shop till you dropHigh Sierra/Foothills Counties
Gaming/GamblingSacramento Valley Counties
bobSacramento Valley Counties
A Full DaySan Luis Obispo & Vicinity
Are you a widow or widower andSan Gabriel Valley/ Pasadena

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PostGroupViewsCommentsLast Update
What happened to the posts in this group?Orange County People12  0  10/31/2016
friendbisexual seniors7  0  12/7/2015
friendSingle again? Let get together8  0  12/3/2015
friend!!ATTENTION!!!older men wanted9  0  12/3/2015
Anyone living in Marin County, CASenior Scenario10  0  12/8/2013
Seeking Someone Older for Companionshipolder women for younger men43  0  9/1/2012
close im madera near mercedMerced & Vicinity Retirees23  0  8/1/2010
avaiable in maderaWe are all lookin' let;s talk!49  0  7/30/2010
Bisexual Married Mansexy couples for sexy men/fem17  0  1/1/2010
younger male 4 older woman or coupleparty rats17  0  8/23/2009
Who is still active in this group? Just checking :)HORNY SENIORS130  0  8/23/2009
It's just you and me CarmelaSENIOR SOCIAL CLUB PLAY TIME19  0  8/13/2009
Meeting, talking and playingSENIOR SOCIAL CLUB PLAY TIME22  0  7/26/2009
LobsterHelen's Table23  0  7/24/2009
Thank youTequila Sunrise18  0  6/15/2009
New Here too.HORNY SENIORS20  0  12/17/2008
are older women shy around younger menOlder women, for young men37  0  9/19/2008
anyone who has insight to the human conditionPennine Link73  0  3/1/2008
Leaving sff and saying goodbye to all my friends :*Pennine Link89  0  1/16/2008
Good craft shops in the area?Art and craft lovers31  0  1/6/2008
Diet after Xmas....together to share interests6  0  12/27/2007
Patience is Part of Being Lovedolder women for younger men25  0  12/16/2007
Hi, I'm new here!HORNY SENIORS284  0  11/18/2007
I could love the RIGHT Black woman!People who love Black Women31  0  10/10/2007
What a waste of timeHORNY SENIORS106  0  8/24/2007
Game NiteOver 50 Fun28  0  6/10/2007
Meeting in the valley, Social and Drinks are free..Pool too!Curious Folks71  0  3/18/2007
come run with meCycling, running, working out35  0  3/18/2007
Dinner and a movienaturist65  0  11/11/2006
welleven more fun15  0  11/8/2006[View All]

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