Posted:Aug 4, 2014 8:45 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2017 10:35 pm 9156 Views
53 Things President Obama Should Not Be Celebrating On His Birthday Today
1. The failed launch of HealthCare.gov.
2. The fact that HealthCare.gov has cost almost $1 billion.
3. Your “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep It” Lie of the Year.
4. Health care premiums are still going up for American families.
5. The way you jammed ObamaCare through Congress and forced it on the American people.
6. Your complete lack of interest in getting to the bottom of the IRS Scandal.
7. Eric Holder’s complete lack of interest in investigating the IRS Scandal.
8. That time you flew to Las Vegas to campaign just hours after the terrorist attack on our U.S. embassy in Benghazi.
9. Blaming the Benghazi attack on a video while initially refusing to call it an act of terror.
10. The wasteful, trillion dollar, failed stimulus bill that you jammed through Congress.
11. The unemployment rate, which your stimulus plan failed to lower like you promised taxpayers it would.
12. Your 2009 trillion dollar deficit.
13. Your 2010 trillion dollar deficit.
14. Your 2011 trillion dollar deficit.
15. Your 2012 trillion dollar deficit.
16. Your $3.9 trillion budget proposal that even Democrats in your own party rejected (and you failed to submit on time.)
17. Our $17 trillion debt.
18. That time you cut Medicare by $700 billion to pay for ObamaCare.
19. The CIA’s breaching of authority when they hacked into computers in the Senate.
20. Your decision to release five dangerous Taliban operatives in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl.
21. Your labeling of the scandals in your White House as “phony.”
22. The missing IRS emails (seriously, where are they?)
23. The lack of accountability at your EPA.
24. The new anti-coal regulations that your White House is pushing to bankrupt the coal industry.
25. The job-killing cap-and-trade bill that you tried to pass. 26. Your refusal to approve the Keystone Pipeline.
27. The time you told small business owners on the campaign trail that “You didn’t build that.”
28. The hundreds of Democrat fundraisers you have held instead of leading the country.
29. That time you didn’t have time to meet with world leaders at the UN, but somehow found time to make an appearance on The View.
30. Your dozens and dozens of golfing trips you’ve taken instead of leading the country.
31. The Solyndra Scandal.
32. Your failure to lead on student loan reform.
33. The complete lack of accountability at the GAO.
34. The big government Dodd-Frank bill.
35. Your weak response to the Malaysian Airlines plane crash in Ukraine.
36. The complete lack of accountability at the Veterans’ Affairs.
37. The suffering that our veterans have gone through thanks to the VA.
38. Your complete lack of interest in the Fast and Furious scandal.
39. The AP wiretapping scandal.
40. Your disregard for the constitutional separation of powers.
41. Your refusal to work with Congress to pass commonsense jobs bills.
42. Your decision to score political points on equal pay while ignoring the gender pay gap in your own White House.
43. The time he gave the Queen of England an iPod as a gift. 44. The hundreds of billions of tax increases passed you signed into law.
45. Your refusal to respect religious freedom in ObamaCare.
46. Your decision to drink a beer in Colorado for a photo-op instead of visiting the border to address the immigration crisis.
47. Your declaration in 2012 that “the private sector is doing fine.”
48. Your infamous “reset” with Russia.
49. Your complete unwillingness to preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security.
50. Your dedication to reinstalling Nancy Pelosi as speaker.
51. Dismissing the number of jobs the Keystone pipeline would create.
52. Your collapsing approval ratings.
53. Your failed presidency that you’re already checked-out from.
Posted:Apr 10, 2014 4:45 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2017 10:36 pm 9085 Views
Barack and Michelle are at the White Sox baseball game sitting in the first row with the Secret Service seated directly behind them.
One of the Secret Service agents leans forward and says something to the president.
Barack stares at the agent, looks at Michelle, looks back at the agent, and shakes his head no.
The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a request from the team owner who is a big campaign contributor and the fans will love it"!
So, Barack shrugs and says, "Well, if it will help my poll numbers."
He gets up, grabs Michelle by her collar and the seat of her pants, and tosses her right over the railing into the field. She gets up kicking, screaming and swearing.
The crowd goes wild; cheering, applauding, and high-fiving.
Barack is bowing and smiling, and leans over to the agent and says "You were right. I would have never believed that"!
Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, Barack asks what was wrong.
The agent replies, "Sir, I said they wanted you to throw out the first PITCH
Posted:Feb 14, 2014 5:03 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2017 10:36 pm 9392 Views
A young couple left the church and arrived at the hotel where they were spending the first night of their honeymoon. They opened the champagne and began undressing. When the bridegroom removed his socks, his new wife asked, "What's wrong with your feet? Your toes look all mangled and weird. "I had tolio as a ," he answered. "You mean polio?" she asked. "No, tolio. The disease only affected my toes." When the groom took off his pants, his bride once again asked "What's wrong with your knees? They're all lumpy and deformed!" "As a , I also had kneasles," he explained. "You mean measles?" she asked. "No, kneasles. It was a strange illness that only affected my knees." The new bride had to be satisfied with this answer. As the undressing continued, her husband at last removed his underwear. "Don't tell me," she said. "Let me guess... Smallcox....Happy Valenties Day !
surprise, surprise... more idiocy from your prez
Posted:Oct 28, 2013 10:43 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2017 10:39 pm 10020 Views
NBC News
President Obama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under Obamacare, say experts, and the Obama administration has known that for at least three years.
Four sources deeply involved in the Affordable Care Act tell NBC News that 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million consumers who buy their insurance individually can expect to receive a “cancellation” letter or the equivalent over the next year because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law. One expert predicts that number could reach as high as 80 percent. And all say that many of those forced to buy pricier new policies will experience “sticker shock.”
None of this should come as a shock to the Obama administration. The law states that policies in effect as of March 23, 2010 will be “grandfathered,” meaning consumers can keep those policies even though they don’t meet requirements of the new health care law. But the Department of Health and Human Services then wrote regulations that narrowed that provision, by saying that if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered.
Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”
That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.
Yet President Obama, who had promised in 2009, “if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan,” was still saying in 2012, “If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”
“This says that when they made the promise, they knew half the people in this market outright couldn’t keep what they had and then they wrote the rules so that others couldn’t make it either,” said Robert Laszewski, of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, a consultant who works for health industry firms. Laszewski estimates that 80 percent of those in the individual market will not be able to keep their current policies and will have to buy insurance that meets requirements of the new law, which generally requires a richer package of benefits than most policies today.
The White House does not dispute that many in the individual market will lose their current coverage, but argues they will be offered better coverage in its place, and that many will get tax subsidies that would offset any increased costs.
“One of the main goals of the law is to ensure that people have insurance they can rely on – that doesn’t discriminate or charge more based on pre-existing conditions. The consumers who are getting notices are in plans that do not provide all these protections – but in the vast majority of cases, those same insurers will automatically shift their enrollees to a plan that provides new consumer protections and, for nearly half of individual market enrollees, discounts through premium tax credits,” said White House spokesperson Jessica Santillo.
Posted:Aug 23, 2013 10:45 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2017 10:40 pm 9995 Views
A man was traveling between West Palm Beach and Boca Raton the other day (south of Jupiter) in Florida, when a tire blew out on his car. Checking his spare, he found that it, too, was flat. His only option was to flag down a passing motorist and get a ride to the next town.
The first vehicle to stop was an old man in a van. He yelled out the window, “Need a lift?”
“Yes, I sure do,” the man replied.
“You a Republican or Democrat,” asked the old man.
“Republican,” he replied.
“Well, you can just go to Hell,” yelled the old man as he sped off.
Another guy stopped, rolled down the window, and asked me the same question.
Again, he gave the same answer, “Republican.”
The driver gave me the finger and drove off. The man thought it over and decided that maybe he should change his strategy, since this area seemed to be overly political, and there appeared to be few Republicans.
The next car to stop was a red convertible driven by a beautiful blonde. She smiled seductively and asked if he was a Republican or Democrat.
“Democrat!” he shouted.
“Hop in!” replied the blonde.
Driving down the road, he couldn’t help but stare at the gorgeous woman in the seat next to him, the wind blowing through her hair, perfect breasts, and a short skirt that continued to ride higher and higher up her thighs.
Finally, he yelled, “Please stop the car.”
She immediately slammed on the brakes and as soon as the car stopped, the man jumped out.
“What’s the matter?” she asked.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he replied. “I’ve only been a Democrat for five minutes, and already I want to screw somebody.”
Today’s ObamaCare triumph: UPS drops coverage for 15,000 spouses
Posted:Aug 21, 2013 8:40 pm
Last Updated:Mar 9, 2017 10:42 pm 10097 Views
“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.” – Barack Obama, July 2009
Today’s ObamaCare triumph is the announcement by United Parcel Service that it will drop working spouses from its health care plan, loudly and repeatedly citing the Affordable Care Act as the reason
The company told white-collar workers two months ago that 15,000 working spouses eligible for coverage at their own employers would be excluded from the UPS plan in 2014.
While acknowledging that overall health spending continues to rise, the company also blamed cost increases on the Affordable Care Act’s research fee (initially $1 per health plan member, then rising to $2) and an a temporary fee of $63 per member to stabilize new online marketplaces for consumers buying directly from insurers
Liberals sneer that management is just using ObamaCare as an “excuse” for cost-cutting. But it could also be said that the private sector responds to universal burdens differently than individual challenges. If the cost of labor is going up for everyone, then every company starts thinking about cutting hours, eliminating jobs altogether, and reducing benefits
Of course, liberals think millions of dollars in cost are a pittance, because they’re accustomed to Big Government printing up a fresh pile of deficit dollars to cover such trifles. This is particularly true if corporate planners were already considering certain courses of action.
when does the racist BULL stop, anyhow?
Posted:Aug 15, 2013 10:05 pm
Last Updated:Aug 21, 2013 5:03 pm 10381 Views
I was planning on going to see "the BUTLER" this weekend after having watched previews.......but now... "F" em.... If its not the SHARPTONS of the world.. then its the Oprahs?? all about taking then $$$$$.... especially WHITE $$$$...
Oprah Winfrey says she’s kinda sorta “sorry” for the fallout that ensued after she told the media about a “racist” encounter at a purse store in Switzerland … saying, “I’m really sorry that it got blown up.”
Yeah, right…
…Last night, Oprah said … “I think that incident in Switzerland was just an incident in Switzerland. I’m really sorry that it got blown up. I purposefully did not mention the name of the store. I’m sorry that I said it was Switzerland.”
Problem is … O’s full of it. What did she think was going to happen when she went on national TV and cried racism? The media was just going to ignore that??
Oprah once ragged on hamburgers and single-handedly CRIPPLED the beef industry. She knew damn well how the media was going to handle the Switzerland situation … which is why she went to the media in the first place. Her mission was to destroy the shop.
There are some people who are saying Oprah’s Swiss encounter wasn’t really about race — Oprah was just mad she wasn’t treated like Her Royal O-ness because the shop employee didn’t recognize her … but now, after the employee told the media she’s being unfairly attacked, O’s feeling a little guilty.
But pretending not to know about the impact of her race allegations?? That’s like Obama pretending not to know what’s gonna happen if he pushes that big red button in the White House.
YOUR TAXES AT WORK - this president has no shame nor does the AG
Posted:Aug 7, 2013 1:15 am
Last Updated:Aug 12, 2013 5:06 pm 9682 Views
Attorney General Eric Holder accrued $4.3 million in taxpayer-funded travel expenses in just over three years, including $697,525 in personal travel costs, records showed Monday.
Holder took 213 out-of-Washington trips from March 27, 2009 to August 24, 2012, according to public documents obtained by the conservative organization and website Judicial Watch.
His 31 personal trips included two jaunts to Martha’s Vineyard that totaled $95,184 in flight expenses, eight visits to Farmingdale, N.Y. for $118,553 and an Atlantic City break for $118,553.
Holder is required to use government aircraft for all government and personal travel for reasons related to national security and the need for secure communications, a Justice Department official said Monday night. BULLCHIT
Holder's trips could have been much less than the total trip cost, partly because Holder frequently flies on a Gulfstream V private jet — the same model used by many celebrities. For personal trips, President Obama’s chief law enforcement officer must reimburse the government for the equivalent of a commercial air fare, the official added.
That can be much less than the total trip cost, partly because Holder frequently flies on a Gulfstream V private jet — the same model used by many celebrities.
too funny ;o)))
Posted:Jul 28, 2013 4:20 pm
Last Updated:Aug 5, 2013 10:29 pm 9746 Views
1st guy: Last night I massaged my wife with the finest olive oil, then we made love and I made her scream non stop for 5 minutes.
2nd guy: Last night I massaged my wife with special aphrodisiac oil, then we made passionate love. I made her scream for 15 minutes.
3rd guy: That's nothing last night I massaged my wife with Ghee, then made love and made her scream for 2hours.
Guys, astonished: 2hours ! How?
3rd guy: I wiped my hands on the curtains. Enjoy your weekend!
Posted:Jul 21, 2013 12:33 am
Last Updated:Jul 28, 2013 4:21 pm 10100 Views
I have stayed out of most of the insanity involved in the court case against Zimmerman. I really think that no charges should have been made and the trial was a circus.
With that said, I am not going to be a huge Zimmerman cheerleader or make out Trayvon to be a thug. Both could have avoided this whole tragedy. Was Zimmerman profiling Trayvon when he walked through the neighborhood? Most likely. But is that a bad thing? I do not think so. The neighborhood had a bunch of break ins and robberies before Trayvon walked though that night. Should ZImmerman followed or try to find where Trayvon was at? Probably not, in hindsight it was not a good idea.
The trial itself should have never happened. The Prosecutors had no case other than to use emotion to convict Zimmerman. The Law should never be judged by emotion, it is by facts. And the facts did not make the case without a reasonable doubt. So the jury came through with the correct verdict in the case.
This case would not have been as big of a circus if the Race Baiters would not have intervened. With help from the MSM, Zimmerman was convicted in the public eye before the case was even brought to trial. Misleading and false information made it even more a circus. This is a black eye on the MSM and the so-called Civil Right’s Leaders peddling their calls of racism.
Yes, there is racism in our country. It is a travesty and should never see the light of day in our country. Racism was not any part of this case, and would have never been if the President and the Race Baiters would not have made it into it.
There was no winners in this at all. Race relations have been destroyed because of the lies and false information in this case. The amount if utter insanity from both sides on this is a disgrace. Zimmerman is no hero, and Trayvon should not have died that night.
I think that my friend Ali has the best post about this whole drama.
I recall the first time I was called a “nig***r.”
It’s a word I do not use verbally, do not allow to be used in my presence, and it repulses me the times I feel led to write it. This is such a time because I want to share with you what it is like being black, enlightened, and understanding both George Zimmerman’s actions and Trayvon Martin’s cultural attitude. More, I want you and me to grow past this, together.
One catch: you have to stop. Whatever side you are on, stop. Right now
The fighting back and forth over this will not help in race relations, and will not heal the country as a whole. it will only divide us more and make things worse.
It’s time to stop countering facts about the case with people on Facebook, Twitter, or your morning run. It’s time to find a new brother or sister of a different set of experiences to learn from.
For some, the final tough truth is that jury made the correct decision.A nation of laws can govern a nation of many colors, nothing else can. Zimmerman acted with allowable reaction to a series of unlikely events put in motion by both Zimmerman and Martin
Ali’s ending is very good:
If we are serious and want to get tough with truth, we will drop the protest signs, dismiss politicians who feel the need to tell us their thoughts, chastise those who throw around the racist label, shame but forgive Zimmerman, mourn Martin, and teach our not to make either’s mistakes.
This pain, on both sides, isn’t about a hoodie