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soldiers angels

how I help support soldiers all over

Posted:Jul 5, 2006 12:33 pm
Last Updated:Mar 24, 2008 1:38 pm

I feel I am doig something very rewarding both for me and my country, I support and belong to soldiers angels, I write 3 letters a week I email also I sent care packages, their are so many things anyone can do just share your time, many just want a letter from home even a stranger, regardless of your belief the soldiers need your support proud soldiers angel, may no soldier go unloved,may no soldier walk alone, may no soldier be fotgotten, untill they all come home.

1 comment
Posted:Sep 15, 2005 6:01 pm
Last Updated:Mar 5, 2006 9:29 pm
I remember when, chat room was ine room, yaya was here, I remember guests and how great it was when they were not allowed, and yaya was here, I remember those who have pasted on , and yaya was here, I remember all the support I got tjrough the bad times in my life, and yaya was here, I remember the bashes and yaya was their, sff has lost a great person I hope they realize and learn from what they have done, and now yaya has gone. connybot

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