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Steamboy_2472 64M
222 posts
9/20/2023 8:02 pm
Where is The handlebar

Here's a selection of the rail bikes as they're called that we now are going to start running on the Golden gate railroad Museum tracks actually the SMART tracks, Sonoma Marin area regional Transit it's a commuter line that's running in the two counties. Each bike seats for people each one has a pedal assembly we have 8 out of 11 ready to use

Steamboy_2472 64M
411 posts
9/20/2023 8:03 pm

These are a blast to ride

serendipity_2012 75F
248 posts
9/20/2023 9:48 pm

that looks so cool I want to ride one lol

TwilightSpirit 57F
1539 posts
9/20/2023 10:45 pm


Koffla 68M
14601 posts
9/21/2023 12:08 am


Rocketship 80F
19000 posts
9/21/2023 3:07 am

What a great way for visitors to see the site!!

StarCandy1 70F
2224 posts
9/21/2023 7:55 am

LOL I might need my inhaler ! LOL
Seriously .... looks like a great idea for site seeing.

Nileyears 72F
4180 posts
9/21/2023 10:49 am

Looks really cool, but where are the arm rests?

Hungr4Yungr 75M
803 posts
9/21/2023 2:04 pm

That's a great idea. I'm sure it will be well received.

Abelle2 84F
31432 posts
9/21/2023 6:00 pm

I used to live in California for many years. I would have loved to ride in one of these!

maudie1957 75F

9/22/2023 12:22 am

Great idea.

Steamboy_2472 64M
411 posts
9/22/2023 7:39 pm

WOW thanks for all the feedback they're going to be fun sorry no armrests, but they've got cup holders 🤪🤪 . We will be running them we have 11 out of Cloverdale California on the former northwestern Pacific railroad now owned by SMART